IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program and is a service for clients who have trauma that require a deeper level of care.
Sex and pornography addiction often cripple the ability to manage things like family and work schedules as well as manage one’s own recovery. The IOP will help you build the structure and habits needed to achieve long term recovery as well. For many, weekly therapy and 12 step meeting are not enough and they need extra help and support to get back on track. Additionally, partners often require more support at the beginning of the healing process, and couples at any phase in the journey may need additional support to bring healing and restoration to their relationships.
Each intensive program is different. Many of the intensives take place from 2-6 days, depending on the intensive and the needs of the individual(s) attending the intensive. Banyan’s 6-week IOP is spread out over 6 weeks and customized to your schedule rather than may programs which take place over a shorter time but require being present at the program for a full day.
We work to find the best time frames for those attending our intensives. From weekend men’s retreats and couples retreats to 4-day intensives that frequently span Fridays-Mondays, we account for the needs of your schedule to make our programs work for you. Similarly, our 6-week IOP is customized to your schedule. This means we will meet with you and design a schedule that works around work. Click here for a sample schedule for what a typical week in the Banyan IOP might look like.
Each program requires different time commitments. The intensive retreats require a full weekend of commitment, and most 4-6 day intensives require roughly 9 hours per day of dedicated time to the program. Our 6-week IOP is roughly 20 hours a week over a 6 week period. The schedule for the 6-week IOP is customized to your schedule, so some clients elect to load up their hours over a few days while others will spread their time over several hours each day. Many clients will elect to have part of their program in the evening after work as well as in the morning before work hours.
One of the biggest challenges clients face when returning home from inpatient treatment is the transition back into normal life and learning how to apply the skills and tools gained during their treatment into a new setting at home. We have designed our intensives to offer support to individuals in different phases of the treatment process, including the critical time frame after returning from inpatient treatment. Clients who attend Banyan’s intensives will gain the skills and tools needed while already in their home setting as well as gain the recovery support in their home area, rather than needing to start over with new clinicians and a new support group upon the completion of their program.
When signing up for the programs you will see an itemized breakdown of all the services you will receive during your intensive. The costs vary somewhat, particularly with the 6-week IOP as some clients elect to have couple’s therapy or services for their partner as part of their program. Banyan wants things like billing to be as transparent as possible so if you have any questions please reach out to our IOP director at or call (818) 435-7847.