About Banyan Therapy Group

The banyan is a sprawling tree whose roots grow down towards the ground and become new trunks to support the tree. We chose the banyan tree as a symbol for the work that we do, as it represents a place of safety, of healing, of community, and of transformation. And with its above-ground root structure the banyan tree brings to light what is so often hidden underground. We are committed to offering you a safe place to explore hidden parts in your life. All of us here at Banyan Therapy Group have received specialized training and have years of combined expertise working with women and men to help them recover from sex addiction and the impact of sex addiction and trauma on their lives. We look forward to meeting you!

Gentle New Year’s Resolutions

January 1, 2019 | Banyan Therapy Group

Finding hope when it feels hopeless by a Partner   First, full disclosure, I’m a Partner of a Sex Addict in recovery. I can’t promise you that I have great advice. I can only share the road I’ve walked. I always fear my spouse’s relapse so the New Year is met with a lot of …read more

Partner Resources

A New Year, A New Resolution

December 30, 2018 | Banyan Therapy Group

Rethinking making resolutions when you are in sex addiction recovery   New Year’s resolutions can feel so very cliche. We all make them, but then forget them by February 1st. What’s the point? Why do we continue to carry on this silly tradition? Well, goals CAN be powerful if set in a manner that supports …read more

Sex Addiction Resources